So many people overlook this very simple quality. You don’t have to figure it out. Trying to figure it out is what freezes people. When you’re trying to figure out your life all the way to the end and when you can’t figure anything out, it freezes you from trying to do anything at all because it confuses you too much and you end up stressing out and becoming too overwhelmed by it all. That's when you freeze. Do you keep saying to yourself "I cant do that" or "I cant figure out my purpose" or "I don't know what my gift or passion is" or "I don't know how to get there from here. Well I'll tell you something... you don’t have to know how! You have to ask, believe and receive. That’s as simple as it gets. Science says show me and I’ll believe. Faith says believe and I’ll show you. There’s a difference. When you go to bed at night ask for what it is that you want. It could be clarity, peace, new friendships or even a new car. B...
healthy living ๐ eternal optimist ๐authenticity ๐๐ผ kindness ✌๐ผ beauty ☺️ finance matters ๐ค real estate ๐ dreams come true ⭐️